Evaluación de la adherencia al tratamiento de los pacientes menores de 18 años con fibrosis quística en el Hospital Infantil Dr. Robert Reid Cabral de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, durante el período febrero-abril 2018
Cystic Fibrosis
Fibrosis quística
Fibrosis quística
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Intituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
Introducción: la fibrosis quística es una enfermedad hereditaria autosómica recesiva que afecta las células que producen el sudor, el moco y los jugos digestivos. Esta patología afecta a 1 de cada 2.000-3.500 nacidos vivos, siendo la más frecuente de las enfermedades hereditarias mortales en la población de raza blanca.
Objetivo: evaluar la adherencia al tratamiento de los pacientes menores de 18 años con fibrosis quística en el Hospital Infantil Dr Robert Reid Cabral de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, durante el período febrero - abril 2018.
Material y métodos: estudio prospectivo, descriptivo y de corte transversal en el que se realizaron cuestionarios a 32 guardianes de pacientes del servicio de neumología pediátrica con fibrosis quística de un hospital.
Resultados: el nivel de adherencia al tratamiento fue bajo, representado por un 41%. La principal razón de no adherencia al tratamiento fue el alto costo monetario con un 61%. Con respecto a la adherencia y nivel socioeconómico, se mostró que el nivel socioeconómico más frecuente fue el D+, el cual se encuentra en la mitad baja de la escala y la mayoría de pacientes eran no adherentes. La vía de administración de tratamiento preferida fue la oral con un 78%. La mayoría de los pacientes tienen un nivel bajo de conocimiento del tratamiento, representado por un 32%.
Conclusiones: los pacientes contaban con una baja adherencia al tratamiento, debido al alto costo monetario de los medicamentos. La mayoría de ellos preferían tratamientos administrados por vía oral, pertenecían al nivel socioeconómico D+ y contaban con un conocimiento bajo acerca del tratamiento.
Introduction: cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease that affects the cells that produce sweat, mucus and digestive juices. This pathology affects 1 of every 2,000-3,500 live births, being the most frequent of the deadly hereditary diseases in the white population. Objective: to evaluate the adherence to treatment of patients under 18 years of age with cystic fibrosis in the Robert Reid Cabral Children’s Hospital in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, during the period February - April 2018. Material and methods: prospective, descriptive and cross-sectional study in which questionnaires were made to 32 guardians of patients in the pediatric pulmonary service with cystic fibrosis of a hospital. Results: the level of adherence to treatment was low, represented by 41%. The main reason for non-adherence to treatment was the high monetary cost with 61%. Regarding adherence and socioeconomic level, it was shown that the most frequent socioeconomic level was D +, which is in the lower half of the scale and the majority of patients were non-adherent. The preferred treatment route of administration was oral with 78%. Most patients have a low level of knowledge of treatment, represented by 32%. Conclusions: patients had low adherence to treatment due to the high monetary cost of the medications. Most of them preferred orally administered treatments, belonged to the D + socioeconomic level and had low knowledge about the treatment.
Introduction: cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease that affects the cells that produce sweat, mucus and digestive juices. This pathology affects 1 of every 2,000-3,500 live births, being the most frequent of the deadly hereditary diseases in the white population. Objective: to evaluate the adherence to treatment of patients under 18 years of age with cystic fibrosis in the Robert Reid Cabral Children’s Hospital in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, during the period February - April 2018. Material and methods: prospective, descriptive and cross-sectional study in which questionnaires were made to 32 guardians of patients in the pediatric pulmonary service with cystic fibrosis of a hospital. Results: the level of adherence to treatment was low, represented by 41%. The main reason for non-adherence to treatment was the high monetary cost with 61%. Regarding adherence and socioeconomic level, it was shown that the most frequent socioeconomic level was D +, which is in the lower half of the scale and the majority of patients were non-adherent. The preferred treatment route of administration was oral with 78%. Most patients have a low level of knowledge of treatment, represented by 32%. Conclusions: patients had low adherence to treatment due to the high monetary cost of the medications. Most of them preferred orally administered treatments, belonged to the D + socioeconomic level and had low knowledge about the treatment.
Science and Health; Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Science and Health, january-april; 23-30
Ciencia y Salud; Vol. 3 Núm. 1 (2019): Ciencia y Salud, enero-abril; 23-30
Ciencia y Salud; Vol. 3 Núm. 1 (2019): Ciencia y Salud, enero-abril; 23-30