Incidencia de cardiopatías congénitas en pacientes ingresados en la unidad de Neonatología del Hospital Infantil Robert Reid Cabral, 2016-2018
congenital heart disease
intensive care
cardiopatía congénita
recién nacidos
cuidado intensivo
congenital heart disease
intensive care
cardiopatía congénita
recién nacidos
cuidado intensivo
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Intituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
Introducción: las cardiopatías congénitas son alteraciones estructurales del corazón y/o grandes vasos que se desarrollan durante la embriogénesis, existe un aumento aparente de la incidencia de las cardiopatías congénitas (CC) en las investigaciones recientes, especialmente de las cardiopatías acianógenas, como la comunicación interventricular (CIV) e interauricular (CIA), así como en menor grado otras cardiopatías, como transposición de grandes vasos (TGV) y el síndrome de corazón izquierdo hipoplásico (SCIH).
Material y métodos: estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo sobre la incidencia de cardiopatías congénitas en pacientes ingresados en la Unidad de Neonatología del Hospital Infantil Robert Reid Cabral durante el período 2016-2018 (hasta la semana epidemiológica #38). La muestra fue de 76 pacientes (n=76).
Resultados: la incidencia de cardiopatías congénitas fue 4.97 %. El 59.2 % eran masculino. Mas de 65 % de pacientes procedían de la región este del país. La disnea representó más de 70 % de los motivos de consulta, seguida de cianosis. 35.5 % de las cardiopatías correspondieron a CIV, que fue la patología cardíaca congénita más frecuentemente presentada, seguida por CIA.
Conclusión: observamos una incidencia global de cardiopatías congénitas de 4.97 % con predominio en sexo masculino. Los pacientes procedían de la región este en más de la mitad de los casos, y presentaron con mayor frecuencia disnea como motivo de consulta. La incidencia más elevada de cardiopatía congénita fue la CIV.
Introduction: Congenital heart diseases are structural alterations of the heart and/or great vessels that develop during embryogenesis. There is an apparent increase in the incidence of congenital heart disease (CHD) in recent research, especially acyanotic heart disease, such as communication interventricular (VSD) and interatrial (ASD), as well as to a lesser degree other heart diseases, such as transposition of the great vessels (TGV) and hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). Material and methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study on the incidence of congenital heart disease in patients admitted to the Neonatology Unit of the Robert Reid Cabral Children’s Hospital during the period 2016-2018 (until epidemiological week #38). The sample was 76 patients (n=76). Results: The incidence of congenital heart disease was 4.97%. 59.2% were male. More than 65% of patients came from the eastern region of the country. Dyspnea represented more than 70% of the reasons for consultation, followed by cyanosis. 35.5% of the heart diseases corresponded to VSD, which was the most frequently presented congenital heart disease, followed by ASD. Conclusion: We observed a global incidence of congenital heart disease of 4.97% with a predominance in males. The patients came from the eastern region in more than half of the cases, and more frequently presented dyspnea as a reason for consultation. The highest incidence of congenital heart disease was VSD.
Introduction: Congenital heart diseases are structural alterations of the heart and/or great vessels that develop during embryogenesis. There is an apparent increase in the incidence of congenital heart disease (CHD) in recent research, especially acyanotic heart disease, such as communication interventricular (VSD) and interatrial (ASD), as well as to a lesser degree other heart diseases, such as transposition of the great vessels (TGV) and hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). Material and methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study on the incidence of congenital heart disease in patients admitted to the Neonatology Unit of the Robert Reid Cabral Children’s Hospital during the period 2016-2018 (until epidemiological week #38). The sample was 76 patients (n=76). Results: The incidence of congenital heart disease was 4.97%. 59.2% were male. More than 65% of patients came from the eastern region of the country. Dyspnea represented more than 70% of the reasons for consultation, followed by cyanosis. 35.5% of the heart diseases corresponded to VSD, which was the most frequently presented congenital heart disease, followed by ASD. Conclusion: We observed a global incidence of congenital heart disease of 4.97% with a predominance in males. The patients came from the eastern region in more than half of the cases, and more frequently presented dyspnea as a reason for consultation. The highest incidence of congenital heart disease was VSD.
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Ciencia y Salud; Vol. 6 Núm. 2 (2022): Ciencia y Salud, mayo-agosto; 43-48