Prevalencia de síndrome de ovario poliquístico en pacientes que acudieron a una consulta de ginecología-obstetricia y endocrinología en La Romana, República Dominicana, durante el período enero 2019-enero 2020
Polycystic ovary syndrome
metabolic syndrome
síndrome de ovario poliquístico
síndrome metabólico
metabolic syndrome
síndrome de ovario poliquístico
síndrome metabólico
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Intituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
Introducción: el síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP) es un trastorno endocrino metabólico altamente dominante, el cual es considerado como una de las afecciones más comunes en las mujeres, tanto adolescentes como adultas durante su etapa fértil. Presenta una prevalencia de aproximadamente un 21 % a nivel global.
Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia del síndrome de ovario poliquístico en pacientes que acudieron a una consulta de ginecología-obstetricia y endocrinología en la Romana, República Dominicana.
Metodología: estudio observacional, retrospectivo, analítico y de corte transversal en el que se analizaron 252 récords médicos de distintas pacientes con y sin SOP para determinar la prevalencia de esta. Como herramienta de estudio se utilizó un formulario creado por el asesor y colaboradores, que se aplicó a los récords médicos empleando los criterios de Rotterdam como determinantes para el diagnóstico del SOP.
Resultados: los resultados mostraron que un 67 % de las mujeres no presentaron SOP, correspondiendo a 170 pacientes, mientras que las 82 pacientes restantes presentaron SOP, representando un 33 %. Asimismo, el grupo etario con mayor frecuencia de SOP correspondió al rango de 26 a 35 años con un 52.4 %. Por otra parte, se presentaron más pacientes con SOP no obesas con un 71 %. Con relación a la presencia de ciclos menstruales regulares e irregulares, las pacientes irregulares con SOP indicaron un 47.6 % y las pacientes regulares sin SOP indicaron un 16.7 %, resultando que se acepta la hipótesis nula.
Conclusiones: la prevalencia de síndrome de ovario poliquístico fue de un 33 %. El rango de edad más frecuente fue de 26 a 35 años. Predominó la presencia de pacientes con SOP no obesas. La comparación de las pacientes con ciclos menstruales irregulares fue mayor para aquellas que padecen SOP.
Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a highly dominant endocrine metabolic disorder, which is considered one of the most common conditions in women, both adolescents and adults during their fertile stage. It has a prevalence of approximately 21% globally. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome in patients who attended a gynecology-obstetrics and endocrinology consultation in la Romana, Dominican Republic. Methodology: An observational, retrospective, analytical and cross-sectional study in which 252 medical records of different patients with and without PCOS were analyzed to determine its prevalence. As a study tool, a form created by the advisor and collaborators was used, which was applied to medical records, the Rotterdam criteria were employed as determinants for the diagnosis of PCOS. Results: The results showed that 67% of the women did not present PCOS corresponding to 170 patients, while the remaining 82 patients presented PCOS representing 33%. Likewise, the age group with the highest frequency of PCOS corresponded to the range of 26 to 35 years with 52.4%. On the other hand, there were more non-obese PCOS patients with 71%. Regarding the presence of regular and irregular menstrual cycles, irregular patients with PCOS indicated 47.6% and regular patients without PCOS indicated 16.7%, resulting in the acceptance of the null hypothesis. Conclusions: The prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome was 33%. The most frequent age range was 26 to 35 years. The presence of non-obese PCOS patients predominated. The comparison of patients with irregular menstrual cycles was higher for those with PCOS.
Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a highly dominant endocrine metabolic disorder, which is considered one of the most common conditions in women, both adolescents and adults during their fertile stage. It has a prevalence of approximately 21% globally. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome in patients who attended a gynecology-obstetrics and endocrinology consultation in la Romana, Dominican Republic. Methodology: An observational, retrospective, analytical and cross-sectional study in which 252 medical records of different patients with and without PCOS were analyzed to determine its prevalence. As a study tool, a form created by the advisor and collaborators was used, which was applied to medical records, the Rotterdam criteria were employed as determinants for the diagnosis of PCOS. Results: The results showed that 67% of the women did not present PCOS corresponding to 170 patients, while the remaining 82 patients presented PCOS representing 33%. Likewise, the age group with the highest frequency of PCOS corresponded to the range of 26 to 35 years with 52.4%. On the other hand, there were more non-obese PCOS patients with 71%. Regarding the presence of regular and irregular menstrual cycles, irregular patients with PCOS indicated 47.6% and regular patients without PCOS indicated 16.7%, resulting in the acceptance of the null hypothesis. Conclusions: The prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome was 33%. The most frequent age range was 26 to 35 years. The presence of non-obese PCOS patients predominated. The comparison of patients with irregular menstrual cycles was higher for those with PCOS.
Science and Health; Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Science and Health, may-August; 77-83
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Ciencia y Salud; Vol. 6 Núm. 2 (2022): Ciencia y Salud, mayo-agosto; 77-83