Prevalencia de complicaciones en pacientes sometidos a catéter, que ingresaron a una unidad de hemodiálisis en un centro hospitalario de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, durante el período marzo-octubre 2019
chronic renal failure
insuficiencia renal crónica
chronic renal failure
insuficiencia renal crónica
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Intituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
Introducción: la insuficiencia renal crónica se define como la pérdida progresiva, generalmente irreversible, de la tasa de filtración glomerular, se traduce en un conjunto de síntomas y signos a los cuales se les denomina síndrome urémico y que en su estado terminal es incompatible con la vida.
Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de complicaciones en pacientes sometidos a catéter que ingresaron a una unidad de hemodiálisis en un centro hospitalario de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana durante el periodo marzo-octubre 2019.
Metodología: estudio retro-prospectivo, descriptivo, de corte transversal y observacional en el que se analizaron las encuestas realizadas a 59 pacientes mediante un formulario en un centro hospitalario de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
Resultados: el 61 % de los pacientes tuvo alguna complicación, donde predominaron las infecciones en un 56 % de los casos, las mismas se observaron principalmente en aquellos pacientes a los que se les colocó de 5 a 6 catéteres.
Conclusiones: los pacientes de la unidad con catéter presentan un gran número de complicaciones, las cuales son proporcionales al número de catéteres colocados a los pacientes.
Recomendaciones: se debe promover la asistencia a consultas nefrológicas previa al inicio de hemodiálisis, para que de esta forma los pacientes ingresen a diálisis con fístula arteriovenosa funcional y obtener mejores resultados.
Introduction: Chronic renal failure is defined as the progressive loss, usually irreversible, of the glomerular filtration rate that results in a set of symptoms and signs called uremic syndrome, and that in their terminal state, is incompatible with lifetime. Objective: To determine the prevalence of complications in patients undergoing catheterization who entered a hemodialysis unit in a hospital in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic during the period March-October 2019. Methodology: Retro-prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study and observation in which the surveys of 59 patients were analyzed using a form in a hospital in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Results: 61% of the patients had some complication, where infections predominated in 56% of the cases, observed mainly in patients who had 5 to 6 catheters placed in them. Conclusions: Patients in the catheter unit have a large number of complications which are proportional to the number of catheters placed in them. Recommendations: Attendance at nephrology consultations prior to the onset of hemodialysis should be promoted so that patients can enter dialysis with a functional arteriovenous fistula to obtain better results.
Introduction: Chronic renal failure is defined as the progressive loss, usually irreversible, of the glomerular filtration rate that results in a set of symptoms and signs called uremic syndrome, and that in their terminal state, is incompatible with lifetime. Objective: To determine the prevalence of complications in patients undergoing catheterization who entered a hemodialysis unit in a hospital in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic during the period March-October 2019. Methodology: Retro-prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study and observation in which the surveys of 59 patients were analyzed using a form in a hospital in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Results: 61% of the patients had some complication, where infections predominated in 56% of the cases, observed mainly in patients who had 5 to 6 catheters placed in them. Conclusions: Patients in the catheter unit have a large number of complications which are proportional to the number of catheters placed in them. Recommendations: Attendance at nephrology consultations prior to the onset of hemodialysis should be promoted so that patients can enter dialysis with a functional arteriovenous fistula to obtain better results.
Science and Health; Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Science and Health, may-August; 81-88
Ciencia y Salud; Vol. 4 Núm. 2 (2020): Ciencia y Salud, mayo-agosto; 81-88
Ciencia y Salud; Vol. 4 Núm. 2 (2020): Ciencia y Salud, mayo-agosto; 81-88