Factores patológicos asociados a demencia senil en adultos mayores de un centro médico
diabetes mellitus, type 2
Alzheimer Disease
cognitive dysfunction
aged. (MeSH NLM)
diabetes mellitus tipo 2
Enfermedad de Alzheimer
disfunción cognitiva
adulto mayor. (DeCS BIREME)
diabetes mellitus, type 2
Alzheimer Disease
cognitive dysfunction
aged. (MeSH NLM)
diabetes mellitus tipo 2
Enfermedad de Alzheimer
disfunción cognitiva
adulto mayor. (DeCS BIREME)
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Volume Title
Intituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
Introducción: la demencia senil es una patología degenerativa, en la actualidad su frecuencia está incrementándose en adultos mayores, debido, esencialmente, a comorbilidades o complicaciones inherentes a su condición fisiológica; las investigaciones apuntan a que su ocurrencia se asocia a hipertensión arterial y diabetes mellitus tipo 2.
Objetivo: la investigación tuvo como objetivo comparar la demencia senil presuntiva en adultos mayores con y sin factores patológicos del Centro Médico EsSalud de Chota, Cajamarca.
Metodología: el estudio fue relacional, transversal, realizado en 178 adultos mayores atendidos en el Centro Médico EsSalud, se utilizó una ficha de factores patológicos y el Test Mini Mental.
Resultados: como factores patológicos, el 39,9 % de adultos mayores presentaron hipertensión arterial de leve a severa y el 21,9 % presentaron diabetes mellitus tipo 2. El 84,3 % de adultos mayores presentaron demencia senil presuntiva de leve a severa.
Conclusión: se concluye que existen diferencias estadísticas significativas entre la demencia senil presuntiva en adultos mayores con y sin factores patológicos (hipertensión arterial [p= 0,000] y diabetes mellitus tipo 2 [p= 0,000]).
Introduction: Senile dementia is a degenerative pathology, currently its frequency is increasing in older adults, essentially due to comorbidities or complications inherent to their physiological condition; Research indicates that its occurrence is associated with hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Objective: The objective of the research was to compare presumptive senile dementia in older adults with and without pathological factors from the EsSalud Medical Center in Chota, Cajamarca. Methodology: The study was relational, cross-sectional, carried out in 178 older adults treated at the EsSalud Medical Center, a file of pathological factors and the Mini Mental Test were used. Results: As pathological factors, 39.9% of older adults had mild to severe hypertension and 21.9% had type 2 diabetes mellitus. 84.3% of older adults had mild to severe presumptive senile dementia. Conclusion: It is concluded that there are statistically significant differences between presumptive senile dementia in older adults with and without pathological factors (arterial hypertension [p = 0.000] and type 2 diabetes mellitus [p = 0.000]).
Introduction: Senile dementia is a degenerative pathology, currently its frequency is increasing in older adults, essentially due to comorbidities or complications inherent to their physiological condition; Research indicates that its occurrence is associated with hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Objective: The objective of the research was to compare presumptive senile dementia in older adults with and without pathological factors from the EsSalud Medical Center in Chota, Cajamarca. Methodology: The study was relational, cross-sectional, carried out in 178 older adults treated at the EsSalud Medical Center, a file of pathological factors and the Mini Mental Test were used. Results: As pathological factors, 39.9% of older adults had mild to severe hypertension and 21.9% had type 2 diabetes mellitus. 84.3% of older adults had mild to severe presumptive senile dementia. Conclusion: It is concluded that there are statistically significant differences between presumptive senile dementia in older adults with and without pathological factors (arterial hypertension [p = 0.000] and type 2 diabetes mellitus [p = 0.000]).
Science and Health; Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): Science and Health, may-August; 19-26
Ciencia y Salud; Vol. 5 Núm. 2 (2021): Ciencia y Salud, mayo-agosto; 19-26
Ciencia y Salud; Vol. 5 Núm. 2 (2021): Ciencia y Salud, mayo-agosto; 19-26