¿Por qué se incorpora el doctorado profesional al Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad en México?
doctoral degree
educational evaluation
grado de doctor
evaluación de la educación
doctoral degree
educational evaluation
grado de doctor
evaluación de la educación
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Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
El objetivo en este artículo es responder dos preguntas sobre la incorporación del doctorado profesional al Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad (PNPC), en México, en 2014: ¿cuáles fueron los factores que propiciaron la incorporación? y ¿cuál fue el objetivo de esta decisión? Se trabajó con un enfoque cualitativo a través del análisis de siete entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a expertos del tema en el país. Con los resultados se muestra que la incorporación del doctorado profesional se debe a la insatisfacción que provocaron los resultados de impacto de los doctorados de investigación en el sector productivo. Se concluye que las autoridades del PNPC intentan construir un modelo de formación diversificada con doctorados que no solo atiendan los requerimientos de la academia a través de la formación de científicos profesionales, sino también de científicos industriales cuyo destino laboral deseable es el sector gubernamental o empresarial. En Latinoamérica, se ha discutido poco sobre los doctorados profesionales, por lo que la experiencia de México es de gran utilidad para la discusión regional.
The objective of this article is to answer two questions about the incorporation of the professional doctorate to the National Quality Postgraduate Program (PNPC) in Mexico in 2014: what were the factors that led to the incorporation, and what was the purpose of this decision? The research was carried out with a qualitative approach through the analysis of seven semi-structured interviews conducted with national experts on the subject in the country. The results show that the incorporation of the professional doctorate is due to the dissatisfaction caused by the impact results of research doctorates in the productive sector. It is concluded that the PNPC authorities try to build a diversified training model with doctorates that not only meet the requirements of the academy through the training of professional scientists, but also industrial scientists whose desirable employment destination is the government or business sector. In Latin America, there has been little discussion about professional doctorates, therefore, the experience of Mexico is very useful for regional discussion.
The objective of this article is to answer two questions about the incorporation of the professional doctorate to the National Quality Postgraduate Program (PNPC) in Mexico in 2014: what were the factors that led to the incorporation, and what was the purpose of this decision? The research was carried out with a qualitative approach through the analysis of seven semi-structured interviews conducted with national experts on the subject in the country. The results show that the incorporation of the professional doctorate is due to the dissatisfaction caused by the impact results of research doctorates in the productive sector. It is concluded that the PNPC authorities try to build a diversified training model with doctorates that not only meet the requirements of the academy through the training of professional scientists, but also industrial scientists whose desirable employment destination is the government or business sector. In Latin America, there has been little discussion about professional doctorates, therefore, the experience of Mexico is very useful for regional discussion.
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Items evaluated by peers
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Science and Education; Vol. 4 No. 3 (2020): Science and Education; 79-93
Ciencia y Educación; Vol. 4 Núm. 3 (2020): Ciencia y Educación; 79-93
Ciencia y Educación; Vol. 4 Núm. 3 (2020): Ciencia y Educación; 79-93