Prevalencia de alteraciones en la agudeza visual, discromatopsia y signos y síntomas asociados en una población estudiantil en la comunidad de El Carretón, Peravia, República Dominicana, durante el período octubre-diciembre del año 2019
visual acuity
agudeza visual
visual acuity
agudeza visual
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Intituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
Introducción: la baja agudeza visual es un problema educativo de interés mundial, cuya progresión es evitable con métodos de detección temprana y cooperación activa por parte de los padres y de la institución educativa. El presente estudio tiene como fin definir la cantidad de estudiantes de un centro educativo de El Carretón, Peravia, República Dominicana, que poseen algún tipo de condición que amerite atención oftalmológica especializada, y recalcar la falta de importancia que se le da a la salud oftalmológica en dicha localidad.
Metodología: estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, transversal y observacional en el que se analizó la prevalencia de trastornos de la agudeza visual, discromatopsia y signos y síntomas asociados en una población estudiantil.
Resultados: se puede apreciar que la agudeza visual en el ojo izquierdo fue normal en el 47 % de los casos, siendo mayor que en el ojo derecho (43 %). Los estudiantes de ocho (8) años de edad tuvieron predominancia en las alteraciones de la agudeza visual en ojo derecho, así como los estudiantes de doce (12) años de edad tuvieron predominancia en las alteraciones en el ojo izquierdo. El 77 % del porcentaje que presentó alteración en la agudeza visual tuvo como síntoma más común la cefalea, y un 10 % no presentó signos y síntomas asociados. Se observó que con el agujero estenopeico hubo mayor mejoría de la visión en el ojo derecho, con un 7 % en comparación con el ojo izquierdo, que fue de un 5 %.
Conclusiones: los estudiantes con alteración de la AV presentaron en mayor frecuencia una discapacidad visual leve, tanto en el ojo derecho como en el ojo izquierdo. Los síntomas más asociados a las alteraciones de la vista fueron la cefalea y la visión borrosa. De los signos evaluados, no se evidenció ninguno en la población examinada. Ningún estudiante presentó discromatopsia.
Recomendaciones: realizar campañas de salud pública que enfaticen la importancia de cuidado de los ojos. Involucrar al sistema educativo y a todas las instituciones relacionadas, como aliados en la creación de conciencia sobre la importancia de la identificación de afecciones oculares y el acceso a servicios de atención ocular para estudiantes.
Introduction: Low visual acuity is an educational problem of global interest, the progression of which is avoidable with early detection methods and active cooperation by parents and the educational institutions. The purpose of this study is to define the number of students of an educational center in El Carretón, Peravia, Dominican Republic, who have some type of condition that merits specialized ophthalmological care and emphasize the lack of importance given to ophthalmological health in that location. Methodology: Prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional and observational study in which the prevalence of visual acuity disorders, dyschromatopsia and associated signs and symptoms in a student population was analyzed. Results: It can be seen that visual acuity in the left eye was normal in 47% of the cases being higher than in the right eye which was 43% of all the cases; The 8-year-old students had a predominance in alterations of visual acuity in the right eye as well as the 12-year-old students had a predominance in alterations in the left eye. 77% of the percentage that presented an alteration in visual acuity had headache as the most common symptom and 10% had no associated signs and symptoms. It was observed that with the pinhole occluder there was greater improvement of vision in the right eye with 7% compared to the left eye that was 5%. Conclusions: Students with VA impairment presented more often a mild visual impairment in both the right eye and the left eye. The symptoms most associated with vision disorders were headache and blurred vision. Of the signs evaluated, none were evident in the population examined. No student presented dyschromatopsia. Recommendations: Conduct public health campaigns that emphasize the importance of eye care. Involve educational and all institutions related to it, as partners in raising awareness about the importance of identifying eye conditions and access to eye care services among students.
Introduction: Low visual acuity is an educational problem of global interest, the progression of which is avoidable with early detection methods and active cooperation by parents and the educational institutions. The purpose of this study is to define the number of students of an educational center in El Carretón, Peravia, Dominican Republic, who have some type of condition that merits specialized ophthalmological care and emphasize the lack of importance given to ophthalmological health in that location. Methodology: Prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional and observational study in which the prevalence of visual acuity disorders, dyschromatopsia and associated signs and symptoms in a student population was analyzed. Results: It can be seen that visual acuity in the left eye was normal in 47% of the cases being higher than in the right eye which was 43% of all the cases; The 8-year-old students had a predominance in alterations of visual acuity in the right eye as well as the 12-year-old students had a predominance in alterations in the left eye. 77% of the percentage that presented an alteration in visual acuity had headache as the most common symptom and 10% had no associated signs and symptoms. It was observed that with the pinhole occluder there was greater improvement of vision in the right eye with 7% compared to the left eye that was 5%. Conclusions: Students with VA impairment presented more often a mild visual impairment in both the right eye and the left eye. The symptoms most associated with vision disorders were headache and blurred vision. Of the signs evaluated, none were evident in the population examined. No student presented dyschromatopsia. Recommendations: Conduct public health campaigns that emphasize the importance of eye care. Involve educational and all institutions related to it, as partners in raising awareness about the importance of identifying eye conditions and access to eye care services among students.
Science and Health; Vol. 4 No. 3 (2020): Science and Health, september-december; 95-104
Ciencia y Salud; Vol. 4 Núm. 3 (2020): Ciencia y Salud, septiempre-diciembre; 95-104
Ciencia y Salud; Vol. 4 Núm. 3 (2020): Ciencia y Salud, septiempre-diciembre; 95-104