Atención psicosocial a adolescentes embarazadas, víctimas de violencia, en un hospital de Santo Domingo
pregnant adolescents
public hospital
adolescentes embarazadas
hospital público
public hospital
adolescentes embarazadas
hospital público
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Intituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
Objetivo: describir los resultados de un proyecto de mejora de la atención a adolescentes embarazadas víctimas de violencia, ejecutado en un hospital público.
Metodología: investigación-acción participativa en dos fases: un programa de acciones de mejora a través de la formación del personal hospitalario en estrategias de intervención, reuniones de análisis y seguimiento de casos identificados y coordinación con actores externos.
Resultados: se identificó dificultades para involucrar a la familia en la atención psicológica de sus adolescentes, ausencia de visitas domiciliarias y de protección judicial. Asimismo, debilidades en la organización intrahospitalaria y en la articulación interinstitucional. Se elaboró un protocolo de funcionamiento del equipo multidisciplinario, una estrategia de colaboración entre hospital y unidades de atención primaria con visitas domiciliarias, la vinculación con programas de protección social, una red local de protección y una articulación con la fiscalía.
Conclusiones: este estudio muestra que la violencia contra adolescentes embarazadas pocas veces es reconocida y su atención psicosocial es muy limitada. Las estrategias elaboradas mejoraron la calidad de atención. Se necesita un mayor compromiso formal de las autoridades. En diecinueve casos se identificó un patrón de abuso psicológico y sexual en una relación de pareja adolescente-adulto, tradicionalmente no reconocido, y aceptado por el beneficio económico que conlleva.
Objective: To describe the results of a project aiming to improve psychosocial care of pregnant adolescents who are victims of violence within a public hospital. Methodology: Participative investigation-action in two phases; with actions to improve the care through formation of personal of the hospital in specific intervention strategies, staff meetings with analysis, and follow up of the identified cases and reunions with external actors. Results: We identified difficulties with getting involvement of the family in the psychological treatment, organizing home visits and legal protection. Also were identified difficulties in hospital team work management and coordination with the protection services. A range of improvement strategies were developed, including guidelines for the multidisciplinary team, a specific collaboration strategy between the hospital and the legal attorney office, collaboration between the hospital and the primary attention health services which includes home visits and a connection with social protection programs and a local network for violence. Conclusions: This study shows that violence against pregnant adolescents is hardly recognized and that psychosocial care is very limited. The developed strategies improved the attention. More formal engagement of the authorities is needed. Nineteen cases of psychological and sexual violence were identified within a couple relation between adolescents and adults, traditionally not recognized and accepted because of the economic benefits.
Objective: To describe the results of a project aiming to improve psychosocial care of pregnant adolescents who are victims of violence within a public hospital. Methodology: Participative investigation-action in two phases; with actions to improve the care through formation of personal of the hospital in specific intervention strategies, staff meetings with analysis, and follow up of the identified cases and reunions with external actors. Results: We identified difficulties with getting involvement of the family in the psychological treatment, organizing home visits and legal protection. Also were identified difficulties in hospital team work management and coordination with the protection services. A range of improvement strategies were developed, including guidelines for the multidisciplinary team, a specific collaboration strategy between the hospital and the legal attorney office, collaboration between the hospital and the primary attention health services which includes home visits and a connection with social protection programs and a local network for violence. Conclusions: This study shows that violence against pregnant adolescents is hardly recognized and that psychosocial care is very limited. The developed strategies improved the attention. More formal engagement of the authorities is needed. Nineteen cases of psychological and sexual violence were identified within a couple relation between adolescents and adults, traditionally not recognized and accepted because of the economic benefits.
Science and Health; Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): Science and Health, january-april; 69-78
Ciencia y Salud; Vol. 5 Núm. 1 (2021): Ciencia y Salud, enero-abril; 69-78
Ciencia y Salud; Vol. 5 Núm. 1 (2021): Ciencia y Salud, enero-abril; 69-78