Evaluación de habilidades de análisis crítico, escritura técnica e investigación en educación médica, República Dominicana
salud pública
public health
salud pública
public health
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Intituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
La formación del futuro médico debe enfatizar la adquisición de habilidades fundamentales, como el análisis crítico, comunicación escrita y oral y técnicas aplicadas en la investigación, para preparar su abordaje de temas sanitarios. Sin embargo, existe una inconsistencia del énfasis de dichas habilidades en educación médica global.
Identificar la incorporación de tres conjuntos de habilidades (análisis crítico, escritura técnica e investigación) en los pensum de las escuelas de medicina en la República Dominicana, analizar semejanzas y diferencias entre programas y proponer recomendaciones sobre inclusión de dichas destrezas.
Usando las técnicas de análisis documental, se realizó un estudio cualitativo para evaluar las asignaturas (ética; salud pública; investigación; tesis; rotaciones clínicas comunitarias; electivas) relacionados con tres conjuntos de habilidades, de un total de 11 pensum de medicina. Se confirmó una triangulación de datos recolectados por métodos cualitativos y se construyó una tabulación que presentó las semejanzas y diferencias de los pensum basados en las asignaturas de tres conjuntos de habilidades, incorporando consultas y retroalimentación con representantes institucionales. Se utilizó el análisis del contenido y temático para identificar temas salientes relacionados con recomendaciones propuestas para incorporar tres conjuntos de habilidades en el pensum y fortalecer la educación médica.
Se reportó que las 11 universidades cuentan con una distribución geográfica relevante, acreditación académica, diversas disciplinas por facultad, revistas científicas y una lista comprensiva de cursos relacionados con tres conjuntos de habilidades. Se presentaron siete recomendaciones como un llamado a acción para incorporar y fortalecer las habilidades dentro de los pensum.
Este estudio permite destacar la robustez de los pensum bien estructurados ante la incorporación de tres conjuntos de habilidades, que apoyan la formación del médico en la República Dominicana. Los lideres de educación médica tienen la obligación de evaluar brechas en el currículo e integrar mejoras en futuras revisiones que consideran los riesgos y tendencias globales emergentes (como Una Salud) en su pensum.
Introduction: The training of future physicians should emphasize the acquisition of fundamental skills, such as critical analysis, written and oral communication, and applied research techniques, to prepare them to address emerging health topics. However, an inconsistency remains in how these skills are incorporated into global medical education. Objective: Identify the incorporation of three skill sets (critical analysis, technical writing, research) in medical school curricula in the Dominican Republic, analyze similarities and differences between programs, and propose recommendations on the inclusion of these skills. Methods: Using techniques in document analysis, a qualitative study was conducted to evaluate the subjects (ethics; public health; research; thesis; community clinical rotations; electives) related to the three skill sets, within the 11 medical school programs. Authors used data triangulation collected by qualitative methods and constructed a table to present the similarities and differences between programs, based on the subjects related to the three skill sets, incorporating feedback from institutional representatives. Content and thematic analysis were used to identify salient themes associated with the proposed recommendations to incorporate three skill sets in curricula and strengthen medical education. Results: A total of 11 universities demonstrated a relevant geographic distribution, academic accreditation, diverse disciplines per program, scientific journals, and a comprehensive list of subjects related to the three skill sets. Seven recommendations were proposed as a call to action to incorporate and strengthen the three skill sets within medical school curricula. Conclusion: This study highlights the robust, well-structured medical school curricula, which incorporate three skill sets, support the training of physicians in the Dominican Republic. Medical education leaders have the obligation to evaluate curricula gaps and integrate relevant revisions that consider emerging global risks and trends (like One Health) in medical school curricula.
Introduction: The training of future physicians should emphasize the acquisition of fundamental skills, such as critical analysis, written and oral communication, and applied research techniques, to prepare them to address emerging health topics. However, an inconsistency remains in how these skills are incorporated into global medical education. Objective: Identify the incorporation of three skill sets (critical analysis, technical writing, research) in medical school curricula in the Dominican Republic, analyze similarities and differences between programs, and propose recommendations on the inclusion of these skills. Methods: Using techniques in document analysis, a qualitative study was conducted to evaluate the subjects (ethics; public health; research; thesis; community clinical rotations; electives) related to the three skill sets, within the 11 medical school programs. Authors used data triangulation collected by qualitative methods and constructed a table to present the similarities and differences between programs, based on the subjects related to the three skill sets, incorporating feedback from institutional representatives. Content and thematic analysis were used to identify salient themes associated with the proposed recommendations to incorporate three skill sets in curricula and strengthen medical education. Results: A total of 11 universities demonstrated a relevant geographic distribution, academic accreditation, diverse disciplines per program, scientific journals, and a comprehensive list of subjects related to the three skill sets. Seven recommendations were proposed as a call to action to incorporate and strengthen the three skill sets within medical school curricula. Conclusion: This study highlights the robust, well-structured medical school curricula, which incorporate three skill sets, support the training of physicians in the Dominican Republic. Medical education leaders have the obligation to evaluate curricula gaps and integrate relevant revisions that consider emerging global risks and trends (like One Health) in medical school curricula.
Science and Health; Vol. 9 No. 1 (2025): Science and Health, january-march; 89-105
Ciencia y Salud; Vol. 9 Núm. 1 (2025): Ciencia y Salud, enero-marzo; 89-105
Ciencia y Salud; Vol. 9 Núm. 1 (2025): Ciencia y Salud, enero-marzo; 89-105