Una metodología para el estudio de la nutrición a partir de consumos según niveles de ingreso
social aspects
economic aspects
aspectos sociales
aspectos económicos.
Nutrición - Investigaciones - Metodología
Nutrición - Aspectos sociales
Nutrición - Aspectos económicos
social aspects
economic aspects
aspectos sociales
aspectos económicos.
Nutrición - Investigaciones - Metodología
Nutrición - Aspectos sociales
Nutrición - Aspectos económicos
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Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
Este artículo presenta la metodología utilizada a partir de datos fragmentarios contenidos en la encuesta sobre presupuestos familiares realizada en 1969 por el Banco Central de la República Dominicana. Presenta, además, en detalle la determinación de los patrones alimenticios de la población de Santo Domingo. La metodología del estudio cubre dos aspectos: primero, la reconstrucción de la dieta y de su aporte de nutrientes; y segundo, el perfil alimenticio que se deriva De ella. Por otra parte, dicha metodología sirvió para detectar, en la determinación de la dieta, las preferencias de bienes y su aporte nutritivo; así como un perfil del estado de bienestar de la población estudiada. Relacionado con esto, uno de los hechos relevantes que surge del análisis es la racionalidad en el consumo de nutrientes por parte de la población dominicana de escasos recursos.
This article presents the methodology followed to study the nutrition patterns prevalent in the city of Santo Domingo, based on fragmentary data taken out from a survey on household budgets carried out in 1969 by the Dominican Central Bank. It offers a detailed account of how the nutrition patterns of the population under study are determined. The methodology of this study pays special attention to two aspects: first, the reconstruction of the diet as well as its contribution in form of nutrients; and second, the nutritional profile derived from this diet. On the other hand, this methodology was useful to detect, while determinirig the diet, the preference of the population for certain consumption goods as well as their nutritional contribution. Closely related to these aspects, one of the most relevant facts shown by the study was the rationality demonstrated by the low income groups of the population in selecting consumption goods.
This article presents the methodology followed to study the nutrition patterns prevalent in the city of Santo Domingo, based on fragmentary data taken out from a survey on household budgets carried out in 1969 by the Dominican Central Bank. It offers a detailed account of how the nutrition patterns of the population under study are determined. The methodology of this study pays special attention to two aspects: first, the reconstruction of the diet as well as its contribution in form of nutrients; and second, the nutritional profile derived from this diet. On the other hand, this methodology was useful to detect, while determinirig the diet, the preference of the population for certain consumption goods as well as their nutritional contribution. Closely related to these aspects, one of the most relevant facts shown by the study was the rationality demonstrated by the low income groups of the population in selecting consumption goods.
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Science and Society; Vol. 3 No. 2 (1978): Ciencia y Sociedad; 121-39
Ciencia y Sociedad; Vol. 3 Núm. 2 (1978): Ciencia y Sociedad; 121-39
Ciencia y Sociedad; Vol. 3 Núm. 2 (1978): Ciencia y Sociedad; 121-39