La herida racial en Francisco Moscoso Puello: la angustia del mulato
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Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
Francisco Moscoso Puello (1885-1959) es un notable médico dominicano de la primera mitad del siglo xx. Hijo de migrante español y negra dominicana, escribió una serie de obras que influyeron en su momento a la sociedad letrada de Santo Domingo. Cultivador de diversos géneros, su práctica de escritura estuvo permeada por la búsqueda incesante de lo que llamó el alma o el carácter nacional del pueblo dominicano. Regularmente se le coloca dentro del pesimismo dominicano, corriente de pensamiento decimonónica que miró con desdén nuestra composición social y/o racial. En este caso, quien escribe es un mulato que reconoce la composición demográfica de este mestizaje entre blanco español y negra africana; pero su ideal de civilización es la blanquitud europea como la entiende Bolívar Echeverría. A partir del método hermenéutico ideado por Stephen M. North y aplicado a un corpus literario importante, se resume en este trabajo lo que hemos llamado la conciencia escindida o la angustia del mulato. Encontramos que, influenciado por el determinismo geográfico y racial propio a las ciencias sociales del siglo xix, Moscoso Puello realizó una práctica escrituraria con la intención de sobrellevar la angustia existencial de ser un mulato en un país mulato; aunque no como todos los mulatos dominicanos dado su acercamiento privilegiado con el mundo europeo a través de su formación académica.
Francisco Moscoso Puello (1885-1959) is a notable Dominican doctor of the first half of the 20th century. The son of a Spanish migrant and a Dominican black woman, he wrote a series of works that influenced the legal society of Santo Domingo at the time. A cultivator of various genres, his writing practice was permeated by the incessant search for what he called the soul or the national character of the Dominican people. He is regularly placed within the Dominican pessimism, a nineteenth-century current of thought that viewed our social and / or racial composition with disdain. In this case, the writer is a mulatto who recognizes the demographic composition of this mix between white Spanish and black African; but his ideal of civilization is European whiteness as Bolívar Echeverría understands it. Based on the hermeneutical method devised by Stephen M. North and applied to an important literary corpus, this work summarizes what we have called the split conscience or the anguish of the mulatto. We found that, influenced by the geographic and racial determinism typical of the 19th century social sciences, Moscoso Puello carried out a writing practice with the intention of coping with the existential anguish of being a mulatto in a mulatto country; although not like all Dominican mulattoes given their privileged approach to the European world through their academic training.
Francisco Moscoso Puello (1885-1959) is a notable Dominican doctor of the first half of the 20th century. The son of a Spanish migrant and a Dominican black woman, he wrote a series of works that influenced the legal society of Santo Domingo at the time. A cultivator of various genres, his writing practice was permeated by the incessant search for what he called the soul or the national character of the Dominican people. He is regularly placed within the Dominican pessimism, a nineteenth-century current of thought that viewed our social and / or racial composition with disdain. In this case, the writer is a mulatto who recognizes the demographic composition of this mix between white Spanish and black African; but his ideal of civilization is European whiteness as Bolívar Echeverría understands it. Based on the hermeneutical method devised by Stephen M. North and applied to an important literary corpus, this work summarizes what we have called the split conscience or the anguish of the mulatto. We found that, influenced by the geographic and racial determinism typical of the 19th century social sciences, Moscoso Puello carried out a writing practice with the intention of coping with the existential anguish of being a mulatto in a mulatto country; although not like all Dominican mulattoes given their privileged approach to the European world through their academic training.
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