Profesores universitarios y responsabilidad social de la ciencia
teacher responsibility
scientific investigation
higher education
responsabilidad del profesor
investigación científica
educación superior
scientific investigation
higher education
responsabilidad del profesor
investigación científica
educación superior
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Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
El propósito del artículo es dar cuenta de las principales funciones y actividades que llevan a cabo los profesores e investigadores de posgrado de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) con respecto a la responsabilidad social de la ciencia. Se trata de un campo temático significativo tanto para las instituciones de educación superior, como para la sociedad de la que forman parte, por las diversas articulaciones e impactos que se producen entre estas dos instancias. Lo que se presenta forma parte del Estudio sobre la Excelencia del Profesorado del Posgrado de la UNAM y se construye con base en dos fuentes de información: la revisión de documentos internacionales y la realización de entrevistas a 21 académicos universitarios. El trabajo destaca en que a pesar de las variadas tareas que llevan a cabo, que implican una fuerte dedicación, logran, desde sus propios campos de conocimiento, aportar elementos significativos a la sociedad, a través de conocimientos, programas, estrategias y soluciones a problemas relevantes.
The purpose of the article is to account for the main functions and activities carried out by postgraduate professors and researchers at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) with respect to the social responsibility of science. It is a significant thematic field both for higher education institutions and for the society of which they are a part, due to the different articulations and impacts that occur between these two instances. What is presented is part of the Study on the Excellence of the Graduate Teaching Staff of the UNAM and is built based on two sources of information: the review of international documents and the conduct of interviews with 21 university academics. The work stands out in that despite the various tasks that they carry out, which imply a strong dedication, they manage, from their own fields of knowledge, to contribute significant elements to society, through knowledge, programs, strategies and solutions to problems relevant.
The purpose of the article is to account for the main functions and activities carried out by postgraduate professors and researchers at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) with respect to the social responsibility of science. It is a significant thematic field both for higher education institutions and for the society of which they are a part, due to the different articulations and impacts that occur between these two instances. What is presented is part of the Study on the Excellence of the Graduate Teaching Staff of the UNAM and is built based on two sources of information: the review of international documents and the conduct of interviews with 21 university academics. The work stands out in that despite the various tasks that they carry out, which imply a strong dedication, they manage, from their own fields of knowledge, to contribute significant elements to society, through knowledge, programs, strategies and solutions to problems relevant.
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Items evaluated by peers
Artículos evaluado por pares
Science and Education; Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): Science and Education; 103-114
Ciencia y Educación; Vol. 4 Núm. 2 (2020): Ciencia y Educación; 103-114
Ciencia y Educación; Vol. 4 Núm. 2 (2020): Ciencia y Educación; 103-114